Hospitaller Youth towards WYD2023. Catechesis #7

On 16 January, Juventude Hospitaleira (= Hospitaller Youth, or Young Hospitallers) held its First Catechesis on the way to WYD 2023 in a festive and joyful atmosphere, on the theme: Get up and set out! We began to prepare ourselves spiritually for this long journey by making sure that we had the four symbols that we must take with us: our backpack, the cross, the staff and the Bible.

The experiences we thought about in this catechesis had to do with Mary’s faith as she hurried out to see her cousin Elizabeth – experiencing movement and travel.

The ‘Young Hospitallers’ were presented with the image of this episode in the life of Mary, the model of Hospitality, as they set out on this journey of faith and experience with many other young people. We would like everyone to write a personal Pilgrim’s Diary. This Diary will be used not only to write down everyone’s personal feelings as the walk towards the destination, but also to record sketches, photos and selfies, reflections, and so on.

We put questions to them, such as “Who do you want to walk with as your companion on this journey?” and “What is your main conviction that gives you the strength to undertake this journey?” All questions you can answer in your Pilgrim’s Diary, as you make your way towards WYD2023!

You can register for the next catechesis at: